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7 Reasons You Need to Market With Articles Now

Successful companies, which are continuously for the long haul apply innovative marketing strategies and tactics to be different and use this edge. Two such killer strategies are marketing positioning and relationship create. And guess what? Article marketing is a proven tactic, coincidentally, both to meet those marketing strategies. It is the “be all, end all” positioning and relationship building? Absolutely not. However, it is an excellent step in the right direction. And on top of that, it’s a good chance that your competition is probably not with this tactic. Face it. It takes some time to write skill and effort and effectively article, which is why the masses do not use it but, to do the search for an edge.

So why choose article marketing as one of you marketing tactics? Here are 7 exceptional reasons:

  1. It is quite simple. People love to buy from and dealing with the best. Write and effectively your article marketing helps you to position themselves as the experts in your area.
  2. Take this first concept a step further for reason # 2. Let here his us dull, as an expert, you can rightly to increase your prices, and free of charge for your products.
  3. If your articles good and distributed correctly are, they can spread like wildfire and literally create a viral marketing frenzy. Ultimately drive business right.
  4. A large part of Internet marketing has to do MSN etc with the search engines like Google, Yahoo. It is important that we their game. That being said, search engines love content such as articles! Many Internet marketers try the latest fad to trick search engines into getting a better ranking. If you have to keep a lot of time and/or money on your hands with the latest trends and the ever-changing search engine rules, then do what you feel is true. But a tactic still applies to search engine ranking, improve, and this is article marketing.
  5. People love and to be – well informed feel it helps them make better decisions. Their article is the source for the input, they are looking for. And who better, then the source to buy, the information in the first place.
  6. Speeches buck always great bang for the Black Peter, article can easily be used in variety of ways. For example:
    • Can they content for your or an other newsletter;
    • As free giveaways to prospects/customers, seminars, networking events, etc.;
    • Used to spark discussion in a blog or an online networking group such as such as Ryze;
    • Combine contact information more than one article in one eBook, book or info product, selling or way in exchange for given are;
    • Are the basis for a live seminar or teleseminar;
    • And we can go on and so on.
  7. Article if properly distributed are a great way to keep customers and prospective customers in touch. Studies have shown, that on average about touches before a prospect buying 7. Why not use the article as some of these touches? This will help continually boost your prospect perception of you as someone who adds the consistent value.

We live in an age where information is King. We all know something that would be interested to know others. Share your knowledge and you are like a magnet to draw your prospects towards you.

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